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iPhone 7 NO sound

This is the commom motherboard issue for iPhone 7.

Once dropped or even once updated ios, the sound system of iPhone 7 is totally gone. NO ringtone, NO speaker phone, No recording, NO music playing, NO voice at all for both side of party i.e. you can't hear voice from other side and they can't hear you as well.

It is a typical motherboard issue. Some people try to replace the speaker, the mic, the ear piece or the cable flex of charging port but the issue remained.

An audio IC U3101 is the culprit.

In some cases, as simple as reheating the audio IC U3101 to remove the cold solder then problem may fix. But if you want to have a permanent fix, a replacement of IC U3101 need to be performed.

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Source of all circuit diagram are from Apple's schematic. iPad, iPhone, iPod, Macbook are trademarks of Apple company.